Land Denpasar KE-0118
The land located in the industrial area with an access road 6 meters and just 100 meters to the main road (ByPass). The land dimension is about 65 x 80 meters and the land size is 5170 sqm. The land…
IDR 950.000.000 /Ara
Ungasan, Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali
En venta
IDR 350.000.000 /Ara
ID de propiedad :
Land for sale in Ungasan Bali – This land is located in a residential area around the land is a villa either for business or for family living. The land is only 10 minutes away from Melasti Beach and is very strategic for the accommodation business. The access road is quite wide, about 5 meters, which will make it easier for people to drive to the land location. The aspect of land use is residential, so it is possible to obtain a PBG (building permit).
The land located in the industrial area with an access road 6 meters and just 100 meters to the main road (ByPass). The land dimension is about 65 x 80 meters and the land size is 5170 sqm. The land…
The land is located in the quiet area with an access road 3 meter. Surrounded the land is villa, guesthouse, and house. The land size is 3556 sqm and the land dimension is about 92 x 39 meters. The land…
Currently, the land is being leased and used for an active restaurant. The land location is located only 500 meters from Echo Beach. This land is very suitable for business because there are already villas around the location. For now,…
The land is located in a quiet area with and river view. The total land size is 3050 sqm (1700 sqm + 1350 sqm). Great for building a villa in an amazing location. Surrounded by the villa is a house…
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